The Diaries and Letters of Lt. Ralph Clark (1787-1792)
From the Illinois Wesleyan University News Advisory: Stephanie
Bliese '06, as "Mary Brenham" and Brian DeCaluwe '05, as 2nd
Lt. Ralph Clark go over the script of the play "The Recruiting Officer."
SOURCE FOR THIS PICTURE: Illinois Wesleyan University News Advisory
In a bulky pdf version (500 pages!), you may download here the Diaries and Letters of Lt. Ralph Clark (1787-1792), courtesy of the University of Sidney, Australia.
Excerpt: "Thursday the 2- got early up for I could not Sleep on Account of dreaming of being with my beloved Betsey - hope in god that ther is nothink amiss with her or my Son - found a strange Sail in company with the fleet who hoisted Portigues coulers - Soon out Saild the Stranger although she is standing the Same way that we are - lost my dog Efford overboard I am apt to think that he was thrown over board by the first mate if I was certain I would make some of the men give him a good thrashing - I am sorry that I lost him poor dog for he begane to be very fond of me."
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