Thursday, March 15, 2007

A Most Mysterious Manuscript


Wilfrid Voynich found it in 1912, in the Jesuit school of Villa Mondragone, near Rome. Two hundred and twenty some pages of a unique medieval writing that has endured the most sophisticated computer and human analysis, eluding all attempts to decrypt it.
Who wrote it? When? Why? What does it say? A puzzling collection of cosmologica, botanica, zoodiacal volvelles and strings of nymphs bathing in green watered tubs connected by odd pipes... In the course of the past four hundred years, many distinguished scholars have attempted to break the secret... , but in vain, for such Sphinxes as these obey no-one but their master...
If you dare to learn more, here is the entrance: it is kept at Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, at Yale University: read the entry, then click on the link to see the digital pictures in amazing high resolution:

Link to High Definition Images of the MS408 at Beinecke

But be forewarned: this is a cryptological syren... too many have succumbed to its charms and end up abandoning seizable portions of their time and lives in pursuit its many secrets...

If you do succumb, remember: 1) read the thick correspondence in our mailing list since 1980... almost everything you can possibly think of has been said there before:

2) explore the fascinating different theories;

3) you can get your copy of D'Imperio on B&N for $25...

4) I haven't read Nick's book yet, but some say it's a must-read...

5) Baresch's works are the Holy Grail of Voynichologists, yes.

6) Find links to some of our members' Voynich (MS408) pages here:

ok, so now you're all set. Happy Hunting!

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