Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Angelina Jolie's Jordan Diaries (2003)


Celebrity diaries are often interesting. You can download Angelina's Jordan Diary and others from the unrefugees.org website. I find some of her writing quite compelling, for the usual celebrity, that is.

Excerpt: "I notice a man with a very bad burn. On his hand and up the side of his face. His damaged hand lays limp in a cloth sling. I can only imagine how badly his arm must be burnt by the way it is covered. He steps forward. People are fighting to speak. The Somali man has kind eyes. He has been rejected two times for refugee status, he lost his father and rest of his family. He set himself on fire. "40% of my body is burnt." Can you imagine a life that is so bad that setting yourself on fire is your desperate call for help?"


Anonymous said...

I want to read this diary but it's imposible!! Why it doesn't found??

explora said...

It's fixed - feel free to try again, you should have no problem now.

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