Against very fierce winds
In an old Spanish book (Diccionario ilustrado de rarezas, inverosimilitudes y curiosidades, Vicente Vega, ISBN 0785908676), there is a reference to an odd place where houses could be seen chained to the ground. This was in hope to avoid being swept away by the frequent hurricanes. The place is appropriately named Hell's Gate, in the small mountainous island of Saba. While it was impossible to find any other reference to those unusual Caribbean houses of the Windwardside, you may see here (sourced from Wikimedia) another 'shingled' house in a diametrically different location with similar erratic weather: Mount Washington, New Hampshire.
Read this week: Amazon's blog for Alan Greenspan's upcoming controversial memoir 'Age of Turbulence' (sadly ominous) and Jeffrey Archer's official blog (here on blogspot); entertaining and informative literature and nutritious food for thought.
Also read for the first time: Willard Van Orman Quine's Two Dogmas of Empiricism, suppressing the distinction between analytic and synthetic propositions. Quine's original view on circularity (and the a priori vs. a posteriori debate) is one that Kant himself would have probably found very amusing, to say the least.
Could you please tell me on what page is that place referenced? I have an old copy of that book, and would like to read it.
Dear reader,
The page is 589 in the 1959 edition of the book (ref. 3172). Enjoy!
Most thank you, kind sir.
My pleasure! Anytime, please...
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